
Here we are at the Virginia Tech Horticulture Gardens (Photo by Jenna Gill Photography)

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Colby the Fusster

I forgot to mention yesterday that I'm super pumped that Friday Night Lights is back on NBC. I love that show! There's something about the characters that I really enjoy and usually something cracks me up and warms my heart. So watch the show so they don't cancel it! It's on NBC at 8 on of course Fridays!

I have to admit I've been a bad mommy today. I was not patient, I was not calm, I was istead VERY frustrated. Colby would not stop fussing today. He fussed about EVERYTHING. Espcially this morning. He wanted to go for a walk and about 8a.m. we did. There was a garage sale going on down the street where he got some new cars, but he didn't want to go home so I carried him kicking screaming back down the street to our house. We went in the back yard for a little bit and he wanted to go into the garden area and fussed when I wouldn't let him. We came in for juice and when he had the juice he wanted to go back out, but I said no and he fussed. After a little while I got tired of listening to him fuss so we went for a walk around the neighborhood. We stopped again at the yard sale and again I had had to carry him home kicking and screaming. I decided to go out to Walmart - he pitched a fit when I went to put him into the cart. The only place he was actually good at was Lowes and Chick-fil-a. He fussed about napping, he fussed when he wanted to eat, he fussed when he wanted juice, he fussed when he wanted his blanket. I need to train him not to do that, but instead I just wanted to scream and yell, but I didn't because I realized it would only make me feel better for a second and it would make matters worse in the long run. Whoever nicknames the twos terrible definately called it right. I love that kid better than myself, but geez...I could do without all that fussing it makes me cranky!

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