
Here we are at the Virginia Tech Horticulture Gardens (Photo by Jenna Gill Photography)

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Happy Mothers Day to all you mommies out there! This mothers day finds me hanging out with Colby the Fusster. He's clearly hit the terrible twos because everything is a reason to fuss. Not enought space to run his truck in front of my legs - fuss. You can't pick him up right that second - fuss. Need to change his shirt - fuss. Wants his pretzels instead of whatever's on his plate - fuss. But them sometimes he does something so incredibly cute like clap happily at the end of a song, or cuddle while he's drinking his sippy, or give a random hug or kill and it reminds me that this to shall pass. He'll only be two for a year and then we'll have new problems to conquer.

My parents came to visit yesterday. They brought our brand new shed. It's super nice and cute and we'll finally be able to get all the junk off our patio so that it'll be usable for entertaining (when the wind's not blowing 100mph) Leveling it out is proving to be an interesting endeavor, but I think Brandon will be able to figure it out. The wind was blowing like crazy yesterday. Picture us trying to slide plastic panels down the wall supports from the top. Pretty funny picture huh :-)

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