
Here we are at the Virginia Tech Horticulture Gardens (Photo by Jenna Gill Photography)

Friday, May 28, 2010

Good Day :-)

Today was a good day. I was sort of relaxed with my kids since they had just finished up SOLs. We did stuff, but it wasn't hard. I made a duct tape purse in fourth block. My kids were amazed at my duct tape abilities and were totally paying attention to me. Now I know what I need to do to get them to pay attention - play with duct tape!

We also had our weekly eating frenzy for lunch. I made a recipe of a fruit salad that is in Colby's PKU cookbook and took it. I really liked it, but it seems that the other teachers didn't like it so much. That's okay I suppose - more for me.

Colby was cranky when we got home. He fussed about silly things and wouldn't give Brandon a hug and a kiss before he went to work. Brandon was really frustrated and I think Colby hurt his feelings. Maybe one day he'll learn that his actions as well as his nonactions can hurt people's feelings.

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