
Here we are at the Virginia Tech Horticulture Gardens (Photo by Jenna Gill Photography)

Saturday, May 22, 2010

PKU Picnic

Today we went to the annual PKU picnic in Charlottesville. I was feeling sort of blah about going because of the drive, but I'm glad we went. We got to meet the newest families that have been blessed with PKU babies, plus we got some really awesome stuff for Colby. He's been getting pretty high on his phe's lately, so hopefully we can remedy the situation with some low protein substitutions. He's also starting to realize that he's eating a little different from the other kids. The other day when I went to get him from daycare I discovered he'd poured juice on his cereal so that he could eat his cereal like the other kids. I discovered from a mom at the picnic that we could use nondairy coffee creamer halved with water for him to use with his cereal. I'm going to check with daycare and see if that is doable for him.

Oh, and this guy who's got kids with PKU had a creamery make ice cream for the kids with PKU. It tasted great! I was surprised. Colby wasn't really sure what to make of the coldness of it, but he ate a couple of bites. Plus I discovered a Menonite place nearby that might have the ingredients to make more ice cream and another place in Harrisonburg that also might have the ingredients. The key ingredient that is hard to find is Richwhip - it's like Coolwhip, but a lower amount of phe. If you see any in the frozen food section, let me know! At the picic he really enjoyed the mushroom burgers and the chocolate strawberries, but upon returning home, he wasn't all that enthralled with the concept of the sandwhich.

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