
Here we are at the Virginia Tech Horticulture Gardens (Photo by Jenna Gill Photography)

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Can YOU get my car inspected?

I'll be honest, my inspection sticker has been expired for almost a full month. The problem is, I don't get out of school until 4 most days and I have to go pick up Colby and I really don't want to take him to get the car inspected because he's cranky in the afternoons. I've asked Brandon to do it for me for me pretty much every day he's been off during the week since February started, but it's still not been inspected. I think I'm going to do it on Friday since we have a half day. I'll drop Colby off with Brandon and go get it done. Hopefully there won't be too much wrong with it, but at least I get paid on Thursday!

I've been reading Eclipse by Stephanie Meyer this week. I don't know what attracts me to these teen books, but they're good. I'm finding this one and the last one a bit melodramatic, but I guess it's perfect for teens! They don't have any problem with the melodramatic because their lives are melodramatic. As an adult, I find myself shaking my head at the characters and wondering why they don't do something more logical, but I do enjoy the books. I think the part of me that played vampire role playing games in high school is enjoying these books (oh, come on, don't think I'm too crazy - I know for a fact that Brandon did silly things like that too...which maybe means we're just meant for each other. But I did the roll playing thing before I discovered I could be it's okay.)

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