
Here we are at the Virginia Tech Horticulture Gardens (Photo by Jenna Gill Photography)

Monday, February 9, 2009

Wonderful Weekend

This weekend was pretty good - for me anyway. Colby has a nasty cough and he has a disgusting runny nose. He's been cranky and didn't eat hardly anything this weekend. He slept a lot too. Brandon didn't feel very well this weekend either. He had a bad headache on Saturday and slept the day away. I took an afternoon nap while Colby was was magical :-)

On Saturday I took advantage of the good weather and cleaned out the RAV. I didn't wash it, but at least the inside is dust free and vaccumed. I also went grocery shopping, which was a bad idea. I was pretty grouchy at Walmart and frustrated in general with everyones rude, less than considerate behavior toward the strangers around I couldn't find a good parking space.

On Sunday we went to Roanoke and helped out with the Crawlers down in the nursery. It was sort of fun, but I still feel weird around everyone elses kids. I know mine inside and out, but I'm not so sure about everyone elses. Brandon spend the afternoon playing Mr. Fix-It. He put insulation around the pipes under the house and put weather stripping on the bottom of the front door to keep the cold air out. Plus he finished the walkway he started in the fall (all he had to do was put some railroade stakes in the boards to keep them in place). I cleaned the house so that Brandon's family wouldn't be appalled when they came over for dinner. We had spaghetti for dinner (not too fancy), but at least Brandon's dad can stop complaining that we never have dinner at our place (which would be false anyway, because I busted my a$$ to have christmas eve dinner at our place and it was SCRUMPTIOUS). I hope everyone had a good weekend and has a fantastic week!


  1. Wow Brandon, You're a regular Mr. Fix It!
    I am pretty certain that I dont know how to do any of those things!

  2. Sounds like yall had a pretty good weekend! I was in TN visiting Laura and we had a really great time! I'm looking forward to having a relaxing weekend at home next weekend
