
Here we are at the Virginia Tech Horticulture Gardens (Photo by Jenna Gill Photography)

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Is It Spring?

So the last couple of days have been fantastic...who would've thought that it would be in the sixties and seventies in the middle of February! I took advantage of it yesterday and went for a walk on one of Radfords really nice trails. For such a small town, Radford has some great paved trails. I didn't feel very well after I went for my walk, though. I was cold and tired and I couldn't hardly eat anything for dinner or breakfast this morning. I hope I snap out of that soon.

Okay, so yesterday when I picked Colby up at daycare, they gave me a list of all the kids in his class so that I could make Valentines Day cards....Really? I asked around to see if parents actually do this and the response was yeah, some do. Really? Kids Colby's age are more likely to eat the card than appreciate it. What do you guys think I should do? Should I make cards or just wait until next year?


  1. I would wait until next year if I were you! Maybe send in something they all could enjoy for Valentine's Day like animal crackers!

  2. I agree with Gwen. Just get a big bag of animal crackers and give them to the day care lady. I wouldn't do the valentine's I think it would take too long.

  3. Wow.... Gwen and Lindsey are totally right! I think thats ridiculous!
    Babies dont understand valentines day! - Jonathan
