
Here we are at the Virginia Tech Horticulture Gardens (Photo by Jenna Gill Photography)

Monday, February 23, 2009

Magnificent Monday??

At school, the girl that does our announcements uses alliterative wishes. Today was "I hope you have a magnificent Monday." Tomorrow will me be "terrific Tuesday" followed by "wonderful Wednesdays", "tremendous Thursdays" and "fantastic Fridays." I know she means well, but after hearing it week after week you want to ask "What if I don't have a magnificent Monday, huh?"

Today was not magnificent...maybe it was monotonous, but not magnificent. It was pretty cool that we got a two hour delay, but that isn't as exciting as it used to be because Colby gets up around seven every morning anyway. He doesn't really care if I have a two hour delay or not. And this morning wasn't even a good morning to be up early because all the news was talking about was the Oscars...I'm with Jonathan on this one...who cares?! I mean I guess the actors and directors do, but who's even seen The Reader or whatever else movie won an academy award? And do people really care all that much about Oscar fashions? I don't mind looking at the pretty dresses, but I really don't care what Issac Mizrahi has to say about Milley Cyrus's ugly dress (it was, in fact, ugly).

I think I'm just annoyed as I write this post because, as it alway does, my "wild" college days came up. At this point I tell my students, when they ask, that I've never been drunk before and they don't believe me! Why is it so hard to believe that a responsible adult can act responsibly during college and even after college? I know that my students don't have a lot of responsible adults to look up to, but I never, ever get a student that believes me. Never. I think that it's sad that some students never have an opportunity to meet someone like me, which makes me think that I'm exactly where I need to be setting a good example for my students even when I don't want to be here.

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