
Here we are at the Virginia Tech Horticulture Gardens (Photo by Jenna Gill Photography)

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Political Know-it-alls

Do you know someone who "knows" everything about politics? No matter how much you've read or researched, you can never be right because they "know" everything? I know a person like that and they drive me crazy. Last night Brandon and I had a really good date - we went to the Roadhouse and had a baby cactus blossom and steak followed by a viewing of Defiance (pretty good by the way if you like to see family angst, love stories, and Nazi's getting killed) and Cold Stone. We were having a wonderful time joking about people and things we'd done lately only to be spoiled by the following conversation.

FIL: How would you rate Obama so far?
Me: Who knows, he's only been in office for less than two weeks.
FIL: What about the stimulus package?
Me: "shruggs"
FIL: What? You don't know what's in the stimulus package?
Me: Nope.
FIL: What?
Me: I got things to do.
FIL: Like what?
Me: Babies to take care of, papers to grade, food to cook, bible study to go to...
FIL: You don't care about all that pork?
Me: I didn't hear anything about pork.
FIL: Well maybe you should take some time to read.

>:-( Why should I take the time to read, no matter what my opinion is, it won't be good enough. I HATE it when people do this. Have you ever heard that you shouldn't discuss politics? Well I agree! Unless you're going to be open-minded, don't bring it up! If you want to look down your nose at me as someone too young to have an informed opinion, then don't bring it up! I hate that my perfect evening ended like that. Later when we were home and lying in bed, I was still mad. And now I'm mad because I feel like I should have an informed opinion, but guess what, I'm not going to go look at what's in that bill. We elect officials to make decision for us. They should read the bills and pass them as they see fit for the better good of thier constituents. If they don't do this, we'll fire them during the next election. And in the future, don't discuss politics with me unless you're going to be objective and not snotty about it.

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